be the music

...we’ve linked singing with talent, and we’ve got that fundamentally wrong. The right to sing is an absolute, regardless of how it sounds to the outside world. We sing because we must. We sing because it fills our lungs with nourishing air, and lets our hearts soar with the notes we let out. We sing because it allows us to speak of love and loss, delight and desire, all encoded in lyrics that let us pretend that those feelings are not quite ours. In song, we have permission to rehearse all our heartbreaks, all our lusts. In song, we can console our children while they are still too young our rusty voices, and we can find shortcuts to ecstasy while performing the mundane duty of a daily shower or scrubbing down the kitchen after yet another meal.”
― Katherine May, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times

Contact Us

Are you wanting to learn a new instrument? Do you want to build vocal confidence? Are you stuck and don’t know where to go from here with an instrument you already play? Want to learn how to write a song? Or need some help with a song you’ve already written? Sign up for a 6-8 week session. Please contact for more information.

Gina Marie Music Studio seeks to make music

accessible to everyone, everyday.

We believe that music is an essential part of the fabric of our lives and our holistic health.

Oswego Store Front


Our studio offers weekly lessons in 6-8 week sessions.

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Gina Holsopple

Gina Holsopple Music

Gina Holsopple, award winning singer-songwriter and owner of Gina Marie Music Studio.

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